Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Memorial Day

Memorial Day 2009 will memorialize the beginning of the end of my first bout with "pouchitis". I have had diarrhea since April 28th, today is May 25th. You're thinking "but Tim, you always have diarrhea, you don't have a colon!" To which I respond, "I know, this is extra special diarrhea, accompanied by severe cramping, you wouldn't understand."
I am so snobby about my diarrhea, and I don't even care. A total diarrhea elitist.

Well, it's been a diarheaific month, but all good things come to an end. The antibiotics I was prescribed last thursday started working sometime this morning and I managed to have a lame, non-diarrhea-y bowel movement. Diarrhea is a nasty word.
-This is where all the magic happens-