Thursday, May 28, 2009

Chicken Soup For the Soul: For the guy who has no Colon

Admittedly, my blog is taking on the tone of a bitter guy who is sick and dwells on it a lot. Unfortunately it just so happens that my blog was born under these trying circumstances (sigh). If I can actually stick with it though, and keep blogging, there will undoubtedly come a day when the "not-poopy" bloggings outnumber the "poopy" bloggings.

With that said, what would a blog be without a tribute to the spouse at some point? Sara, bless her heart, (you can say anything if you say "bless your/her heart" beforehand), doesn't often have energy to make lots of homemade dinners. (She does tons of other things though). Well, she was so sweet and came home from work today and prepared homemade chicken soup... I couldn't believe it. In fact, my first thought was "you can make chicken soup?!?!?!" I thought soup had to come in a can.

Well, it blew my mind. And I don't use that phrase lightly. I can never eat chicken soup out of the can again. Well done Sara... well done... (slow clapping in background).


Tim and Sara

I will make chicken soup for you any day, since I love you the most.